What is the purpose of lubrication for thin-walled bearings?

Thin-walled bearings achieve an extremely thin bearing section, and also achieve miniaturization and lightness of the product. The diversity of products expands its scope of use. It is generally divided into rubber seal-RS, iron seal-ZZ, plane, iron clamp-K, copper clamp-M.

The purpose of rolling bearing lubrication is to reduce internal friction and wear of the bearing and prevent burning and sticking. Its lubrication effect is as follows.

Reduce friction and wear

In the contact parts of the rings, rolling elements and retainers that constitute the bearing, metal contact is prevented to reduce friction and wear.

Extend the rolling fatigue life of fatigue life. During rotation, if the rolling contact surface is well lubricated, it will be extended. On the contrary, if the oil viscosity is low and the lubricating oil film thickness is not good, it will be shortened.

Discharge friction heat and cool

The circulating oiling method can use oil to discharge the heat generated by friction or the heat transmitted from the outside, and cool it. Prevent the bearing from overheating and prevent the lubricating oil from aging itself.


It also has the effect of preventing foreign matter from invading the inside of the bearing, or preventing rust and corrosion.

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