What are the maintenance methods for thin-walled bearings?

1. Remove the wheel first, and remember to keep the screws. If they fall off, it will be troublesome.

2. Remove the bearing. The core of some wheels is very tight, and the bearing is difficult to remove. Use a hexagonal wrench (the one that removes the screws) to dig it out forcefully. Don't worry, the bearing is not easy to break!

3. Use a toothbrush to brush off the dirt on the surface of the bearing first. You don't have to do this step, it doesn't matter!

4. Some bearing side covers are removable, while others are not. First determine whether your bearing is removable. How to judge? Don't worry! If there is a C-shaped ring on the edge of the bearing side cover, it is removable. If there is no C-shaped ring, it is not removable, but there are exceptions!

5. If it is removable, it is very simple! Use a flat-head precision screwdriver to pry up the C ring in the gap of the C ring, and then remove the side cover. Just remove one side! Keep the C ring and side cover well, and you "may" want to put them back after washing!

6. If it is not removable, it will be more troublesome! You need to use a destructive method. Use a precision screwdriver to insert into the gap of the side cover and pry up the side cover with force. Don't doubt it, it's like this, but this side cover can't be put back! Well, throw it away! Remember, just remove one side, and it will be ruined if you remove both sides!

7. Remove the side covers of all the bearings, and you can start washing! Pour the stain remover into a bowl, throw the bearing in and stir it.

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