Customised RB39045 Cross Roller Bearing have been shipped to Thailand

In the middle of last month, we received an inquiry from a Thai customer who wanted to order 4 sets of non-standard bearings, with an inner diameter of 390 and an outer diameter of 480, for use in the mixing plant. As non-standard customized bearings, both parties discussed a series of related matters about the bearings, including materials, technology, etc. for a long time, and finally reached a consensus. The customer decided to place an order. The construction period is 50 days, but our factory worked together and completed it last Saturday. In the past two days, our factory has started packaging bearings, and it is important to ensure that the bearings can reach the customer's hands intact and undamaged. As of this morning, all work has been completed, so the shipment can be made this afternoon. After hearing this news, the customer was very satisfied with our delivery speed and said that after receiving the goods, if the effect is good, he will reach a long-term cooperation with us.

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